
  • Mr. Darcy’s Absence by Pristis T. Ward

    0 out of 5

    Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice continues…

    Mr. Darcy and Lizzy have proved their love to the world. Impending disaster looms over their devotion to one another as one of Mr. Darcy’s business endeavors cause him to be away from her for many months. The only means of connection for them is through correspondence. Will they be able to maintain their long distance relationship now that Mr. Darcy has gone away on business?

    Without Mr. Darcy’s protection, tragedy and social scandal seek to consume Lizzy as she struggles against the wolves of society. She finds comfort in a man who is not her husband. Will she be able to continue to be faithful?

    Rumor, gossip, and innuendo are at every turn of a page in this sequel of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

  • Pam of Babylon by Suzanne Jenkins

    0 out of 5

    For Long Islander Pam Smith, keeping house and staying beautiful dominate her daily routine as she awaits the return of her husband, Jack, every Friday evening. When he suffers a fatal heart attack on the train home from Manhattan, Pam’s exquisitely arranged life is catapulted into turmoil as she is forced to face the realization that her marriage is nothing more than a black hole plagued with cruel infidelity, abuse, and sexual deviance. Witness Pam as she graciously and gracefully accepts the foul world her husband’s “other life” forces on her previously immaculate existence. Come along for the ride of your life as you ask yourself this one question. How well do I know my husband?

  • Size Eight in a Size Zero World by Meredith Cagen

    0 out of 5

    Lindsay is a 32 year-old NYC working wife and mother navigating between her job, husband, kids, friends, keeping herself too busy to acknowledge her loneliness. Then an unexpected friendship with her upstairs neighbor (he is sophisticated and sexy) unleashes her pent up lust and re-ignites her passion and sparkle.

    Appearances are deceiving in this witty, heart-felt story set in the high society of New York City’s posh Upper East Side.