time travel/novel

  • Vital Perception by D. L. Given

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    The seeking tunnel started immediately with what looked like little effort. Heidi maneuvered it as if she were born to do it. The others stood motionless staring into its center ready to take control of it any second, and I knew at this point they could do it. The rate that we were improving was nothing if not impressive. Even I found myself calmer and maybe even looking forward to the next time we would gather to form a tunnel. I had never noticed before, but realized, I could actually feel the pull of what we were doing in my arms as far up as my elbows. It could effectively be described as an energy that could only be created by the union of so many with a unique ability or gift, something much greater than our selves. A sudden sense of purpose inundated me—a purpose I’m sure none of us understood. I felt a sense of urgency for some rationalization or explanation.