Author Interview: Purity Pierce

About the author:
I have been writing under Purity Pierce since I joined Amazon in May 2019. Purity writes flash fiction erotic romance and has published ten ebooks to date. Purity publishes in five languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish, and French. Pass this tidbit along to your friends as I’m sure not all American authors publish in more than one language!

Since 2013, I’ve been writing everything else under Lydia Chandler on Smashwords. Lydia has published nine to date. Lydia publishes in English only.

What inspires you to write romantic fiction?
I had a very successful blog on an adult website. I took posts from that site and created an ebook. It too received a great response. So I took the next step. About 1% of the information in these books are true. The rest I just let my imagination go and see where it would take me!

Tell us about how you write.
I will do some outlining but not a lot and not for every book. The outlining process comes into play when I write as Lydia Chandler. Her books are deeper and need research, so there is some jotting of things down to refer to later. I write by the seat of my pants as the saying goes.

Do you listen to or talk to to your characters?
Nah not really. As I said, a lot of it is based on true stories and 1% in flash fiction is a lot!

What advice would you give other romance writers?
This is for any writer: don't come into it thinking you're going to be rich and famous because you won't. Write because you want to write and that it makes you happy and gives you some pleasure as well as peace. Publish. Don't publish. That's up to you. Just know that if you go the indie route and you're on a budget, it's going to be an uphill battle. You will have to teach yourself how to do everything – write, copyedit, design a cover, format, etc. That's why I quit writing for 6-years. It became too much like work and stopped being fun.

How did you decide how to publish your books?
After doing research I came to the conclusion that 90% of the world thinks they're going to end up on Oprah's Book of the Month Club. So the odds of me getting a contract with a literary agent and/or a publishing house were slim to none. That's when I decided to go the indie route and I'm glad I did. I set my schedule. I set my deadlines. If I'm feeling ill (I have health issues) I can decide to take the day off. It's very freeing once you learn how to get out of your own way!

What do you think about the future of book publishing?
It's going to be like all things that expand, and expand, and expand. Just like Wall Street, the housing market, etc. at some point there will be the big BOOM, and the pendulum will swing back to zero to try to level itself out.

Which romance sub-genere(s) fit your stories best?
Flash fiction erotic romance

My books are available in the following formats:

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