new beginning

  • My Noble Fight by C. R. Riley

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    My life is not perfect, in fact, it is in a huge state of disrepair. I have no one to blame but myself for that. Well, I should blame the man who dragged me into this muddy life. He certainly helped dirty it up.

    It’s time for me to start over again and leave that life behind. Get as far away from him as I can. Take my daughter and escape before he ruins us both. She deserves so much better than the life we’re trapped in.

    But while I wait for the right time to present itself, I find myself distracted by one very fine Prince. My screwed-up life has no place for this man, who has decided to get his nose dirty. He doesn’t even understand how dire my situation is, or the danger he is inserting himself into. And while I might like to see where it all could go if things were different, there is no way I’d risk dragging him down with me. My life has no room for a Prince. We are from two different worlds and I’d only taint him and his family.

    The problem I’m having, however, is the length he’s willing to go to prove me wrong. No matter how hard I try to warn him off, he refuses to listen to reason. The only way I see out is to do the unthinkable.

    This is my fight and I’m not about to let him sidetrack me. It’s time to do what I have to do. I can only pray he forgives me one day.

    **My Noble Fight is a novel that mentions the acts of physical and sexual assault, which I understand may be triggers for some. Reader Discretion is advised.