LGBT romance

  • The Angel’s Beloved #1: The Dreamer’s Love by Laurel Black

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    “Lord Damon?”

    ‘That voice.

    ‘He froze. Damon turned, and found Silas standing there, with a clean, white coat in his arms.

    ‘His lips parted, as he dropped the pillow to the bed. Silas stood there, resolute, with the same, brimming innocence he had so many years ago. He looked down, with a cute little blush across his face. “I shouldn’t even be doing this,” he mumbled to himself. “But here; this is yours, I believe.”

    ‘Damon approached him carefully. He grabbed the cloak from Silas’s outstretched arms. “Why’d you come back?”

    Silas Hegel is the son of a rich aristocrat, whose kind heart has gotten him into trouble more than once. After an accident at a party, Silas finds himself at the mercy of Lord Damon, one of Queen Elizabeth’s most powerful nobles. But there’s more to Lord Damon that meets the eye, and what started off as a simple debt turns into a powerful romance filled with obsession, hope, and heartbreak.