Ili Mais

  • St. Claire’s Blues by Ili Mais

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    In St. Claire, a small quiet town in the mountains of Pennsylvania, old millionaire McKennen is found dead in his mansion under suspicious circumstances. The investigation starts, and the incident sets in motion a chain of events that turn the town upside down. Peaceful St. Claire is not what it first seems.

    A cleaning lady in possession of an expensive antique from McKennen’s house. A corrupt lawyer who is trying to profit from the millionaire’s death. An out-of-towner who breaks into the mansion to make a quick buck. A businessman-turned-preacher who performs an exorcism at McKennen’s on the night of the old man’s death. Obnoxious hunters, bullies, drug dealers, and a greedy bear roaming the town seeking revenge—everyone is at war with life and themselves. The characters’ lives get intertwined in the most peculiar way. And the town waits for the answers: what happened to the millionaire and who will inherit the fortune?