
  • Shot in the Dark by Melanie Amaline

    0 out of 5

    WARNING: extreme situations and explicit content. Shane and Chelsea Fedroff, newlyweds trapped in a bad marriage and a worse financial situation, find themselves sliding down the barrel of a suicide machine. Follow them as they enter into the most depraved lifestyle legally (and illegally) available.

    High crime and high fun. Transgressive noir-erotica from Melanie Amaline.

    From the pages of Shot in the Dark:

    “Shane lounged in an empty door frame. His torso stretched out strong and lean against the dim costume racks behind him. A creased and worn middle-aged woman with a man’s build examined him appraisingly as she dragged on a white cigarette. She paused at his pink nipple in the oily light. ‘Baby, you’ve got some taste in men, even if you’re a Luddite.'”

  • Venus From Teacher to Whore by Elizabeth Thorn

    0 out of 5

    If only Venus Rosemund, a respected teacher and married woman, had known how her once favorite student would one day become her worst nightmare.

    One who would have her shed tears of shame at experiencing forbidden pleasure.

    Turning the once self-respecting woman into what she could shamefully only describe as a cock-hungry slut.

    Making her wonder if there will be anything left of her self-esteem as her student pushes her to the boundaries of what she can bear physically, emotionally, and mentally.

    Will she cave in and permanently be the whore that he is working hard at turning her into or will she escape from his grasp?