
  • Shot in the Dark by Melanie Amaline

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    WARNING: extreme situations and explicit content. Shane and Chelsea Fedroff, newlyweds trapped in a bad marriage and a worse financial situation, find themselves sliding down the barrel of a suicide machine. Follow them as they enter into the most depraved lifestyle legally (and illegally) available.

    High crime and high fun. Transgressive noir-erotica from Melanie Amaline.

    From the pages of Shot in the Dark:

    “Shane lounged in an empty door frame. His torso stretched out strong and lean against the dim costume racks behind him. A creased and worn middle-aged woman with a man’s build examined him appraisingly as she dragged on a white cigarette. She paused at his pink nipple in the oily light. ‘Baby, you’ve got some taste in men, even if you’re a Luddite.'”