
  • Between the Tides by Darlene Kuncytes, et. al.

    0 out of 5

    When you stand beside the water, listening to the waves, what is it you feel?

    Calm? Rage? Hope? Despair?


    The sea is a place where every emotion can be felt, every crash of the waves upon the shore a match to the beating of your own heart, no matter what is going on inside it.

    “Between the Tides” is just that. A beating heart that rushes at you from the shoreline, and dares you deeper into the waves. Do the depths of the ocean offer a sweet respite from the world around you? Or are the snow fed lakes in the mountains that place where you can go to create an ice wall around your heart, or perhaps break it asunder?

    Come with us where the creatures of the deeps and the shallows, creatures out of myth and legend, come to life and drag you into the waves.

    Who knows, you might get lost on a pirate ship or carried away by a kracken…

    The only way to navigate the shores is to travel:
    Between the Tides

  • Highland #2: Wild Ocean by Stacey M. Young

    0 out of 5

    It's been a while since Liza had the 'incident' involving Greig. A text message from her kidnapper is all the temptation needed to stir up a surge of strong feelings in her. She had to know 'why'. Why did Greig do what he did? Everything points to Liza's father, James, and his mysterious past. Irresistable intrigue takes her across the sea to Gede Island, where Greig's been hiding. It seems that Liza's feelings for him have only grown since she last saw him. What secrets does Greig have on her father, and can he prove any of it? Is Liza just a pawn in some revenge scheme? Are Liza's feelings for this strange man just plane crazy, or is there more to it?

    Download your copy today!

    (Highland: Wild Ocean is intended for 18+ readers)