retro sci fi romance

  • The Visitors on the Ranch by Strawberry Chase

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    The beautiful daughter of a wealthy rancher, Bethie Jo has pined for the ranch hand next door for as long as she can remember.

    ★ Can she still love him when she learns who he really is?

    Bethie Jo is in her senior year of high school, class of 1957, and is feeling the pressure to find a well-to-do rancher’s son to marry.

    But none of the high school boys interest her. The man she’s known most of her life, however, the cowboy who works at the strange ranch next door, is the one she wants. And she is willing to go against all the prejudices of her friends, her parents, and the whole town to follow her heart.

    But Calvin is hiding more than she realizes.

    Cal’s own heart has been tied to Bethie Jo’s since he first met her. When she decides she’s ready to take their relationship to the next level, Cal tries his best to fit in.

    But if they are going to be lovers, he must reveal to her who he really is and what is really going on behind the odd happenings at the Myer ranch. The rumored Skinwalkers are closer to her than she knows.

    At first, his differences don’t matter — Bethie Jo loves him anyway.

    But when she sees what the alien in him can become, something vilified by everyone in town, will she stay with him as she promised?