“My work is finally complete. I feel empowered. I feel a burning desire. A desire for dominance.” These words echoed in Michael's head and lead him into the kitchen, where Candice was.
Their relationship is changing. Married for almost 20 years, they are now open to new experiences. And affairs. It's no secret to any of them.
It was that party, they both know it.
For better or worse, their relationship is changing.
Regardless, the change has brought a new life to their own intimacy. Boredom has no place there. Light bondage allows their minds to escape to wondrous new worlds, while their bodies experience all kinds of new sensations. From pleasure to pain.
The city of Mirtlam is home to countless tales of sin. This 5,000+ word short story is just the first personal Memoir from The Butterfly Effect chapter.
Who else was affected and how? What was the source of all the changes? Who started it in the first place? Find out as more Memoirs are unfolded.