
  • How To Acheieve Your Riches, Wealth, & Happiness by Dominique Mahon

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    When you think of becoming rich, what are some thoughts that run through your mind? Some common ideas that people associate with being rich are: million dollar homes, extravagant vehicles, owning a boat, and having a nanny. People generally compare one’s riches to the monetary items that they possess.

    Becoming rich, wealth, and possessing happiness can only coincide with how one perceives this words to apply meaning in their lives. The meaning of these words often dictates one’s life and their abilities of conquering their desires. The meaning of these words that we learned in elementary school seems to take on a different meaning in adulthood. Anyone can obtain each of these traits, depending on how they perceive their own self-perceptional meaning for each term.

    To be successful, depends on the individual and their desires to create a meaning for each of these terms as they are feasible to their own lives. What is your five-year plan and how do you plan on achieving your goals, if you haven’t developed a plan of action to coincide with you as an individual.