Military Heroes

  • Threat of Danger by Dana Marton

    0 out of 5

    Jess Taylor and Derek Daley were in the throes of first love in a small Vermont town when they were kidnapped by a serial killer. They escaped his clutches—but not the trauma of the unsolved crime. With their lives changed forever and their romance cut short, they went their separate ways to exorcise their fears.

    Jess is living on the edge as Hollywood’s hottest stuntwoman. It’s no longer terror thrumming through her veins. It’s adrenaline. Derek is a former Navy SEAL spinning his ordeals into heart-pounding bestselling thrillers. But when Jess is called home on a family emergency, she must face the past—and face the man she left behind, who is just as haunted and, like her, still so much in love.

    Now, as an old flame reignites, Jess and Derek are taking advantage of second chances and putting their bad memories behind them. But here, in the quiet town of Taylorville, a killer is getting a second chance as well.

  • Agents Under Fire: (3-in-1: Guardian Agent, Avenging Agent, Warrior Agent) by Dana Marton

    0 out of 5

    Three rough and tough former Navy SEALs who don’t know the meaning of impossible.
    Three adventurous, irresistible women who don’t mind teaching them.

    Add a secret FBI mission and a corrupt politician who wants them all dead, and watch the fireworks erupt. (Or is that gunfire?)
    A team that fights together sleeps together? Well, not ALL together.
    (But—okay, fine—love IS in the air.) (Seriously, these guys are hotter than a fire on a submarine.)