David Case

  • Sex Pack / Sin Heist by David Case

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    SIN FOOD . . . eaten wherever it could be found, and they gorged themselves day or night, wherever their lusts lead them. For they were the sin vagabonds, who stopped at nothing to get their sin kicks. Black-haired Jennifer, the harlot fromthe clip-joint circuit . . . Ashe, the stud who’d rather take his wantons by force than let a woman give him her love . . . Vance, the nice guy who could assault a woman as fast as he could slug a man. Down the passion road they rolled, a screaming Gemorah of lust looking for the next twisted orgy as their . . . PASSION ROUTE!

    RUSTIC LUST . . . the goings-on at the cabin would not make a believable tale to tell . . . either to get Keith out of the shameful mess that was developing, or to place the blame in the proper place with the brutal authorities. He’d had the upper hand once, but he was not helplessly captive before the lusty, merciless wanton, Shirley, in the seclusion of the — SHAME CABIN!