Author Interview: Suilyaniz Cintron

I am from Ponce Puerto Rico and have been writing since age twelve. Apart from writing which is my passion, I love history, to read, listen to rock music and watch silent and classic films.

About the Author
I am from Ponce Puerto Rico and have been writing since age twelve. Apart from writing which is my passion, I love history, to read, listen to rock music and watch silent and classic films.

What inspires you to write romance books?
I adore romance, especially set in other time periods and I I write romantic fiction novels because I love to portray the love between two souls, the connection, and bond that doesn't exist for everyone in this world we live in.

Tell us about how you write:
After I get my idea, names for characters, setting, etc, I sit at my computer and just start putting down what's in my head, I never write drafts before starting. I do create character sketches before writing so I can have a good idea of what sort of person they are.

Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I do listen to them for like most authors, I can picture them as real people. The story runs like a film in my head and the face of the character is always present when I write.

What advice would you give other writers?
My advice would be to trust in your story and never think it or the characters are boring, one dimensional or cliche like they once said to me about one of my books. It is your work, you put your heart into it and your book is wonderful no matter what other's might think.

How did you decide how to publish your books?
Self-publishing is the route I took because I don't have the means to go through a publishing house. There are pros and cons to both and I would advice self-published authors to go with whatever one they feel most comfortable with.

What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I hope that in the future people will read more self-published authors and give them a chance for just as there are many great authors with publishing houses, there are wonderful self-published writers waiting to be discovered.

What genres do you write:: Historical fiction, Historical romance, fantasy

What formats are your books in: Both eBook and Print

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