Author Maya Tyler Shares Their Story

Maya Tyler is a romance author, blogger, wife, and mother. She has a degree in Commerce and her day job is in Finance. Over the past few years, she decided to unleash her creative streak and get serious about writing. So far, she has published a short story “Just for Tonight” in an anthology titled With Love from Val and Tyne, and has written a few books. Writing mostly paranormal romances, all of her books have a common theme–happily ever after. Dream Hunter is her debut novella. When she’s not writing, you can find her playing with Lego and watching superhero movies with her husband and sons. You can visit her anytime on Facebook or sample her quirky writing style on her blog.

About the Author
Maya Tyler is a romance author, blogger, wife, and mother. She has a degree in Commerce and her day job is in Finance. Over the past few years, she decided to unleash her creative streak and get serious about writing. So far, she has published a short story “Just for Tonight” in an anthology titled With Love from Val and Tyne, and has written a few books. Writing mostly paranormal romances, all of her books have a common theme–happily ever after. Dream Hunter is her debut novella. When she’s not writing, you can find her playing with Lego and watching superhero movies with her husband and sons. You can visit her anytime on Facebook or sample her quirky writing style on her blog.

What inspires you to write romance books?
I am an avid reader of romances! So naturally I want to write romances too. I love everything about a love story – the dashing hero, the strong heroine; the ‘thing’ that pulls them together and/or keeps them apart; and especially the happy ending.

Tell us about how you write:
I’ve tried to go the careful outlining route, using software and/or handwritten notes, but what works for me is picturing my story in my mind and simply telling it. Sometimes I edit as I go, but more often than not I fly by the seat of my pants and let my characters tell me where we’re going.

I like to write on my iPad and I need a quiet space with no distractions.

I try to write everyday, even if it’s just to blog. Practice makes perfect, right?

Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
My stories are definitely character-led. If they are not on board with the direction I’m taking, the story quickly stalls and dies. I don’t know if I talk to them, but I definitely picture them in my mind.

What advice would you give other writers?
Love what you write and enjoy the whole process. Whether you write for yourself or to publish/sell – have fun with it!

How did you decide how to publish your books?
As a new author, I wanted to go the publisher route. A publisher brings a lot of experience to the table. They have editors and cover artists at their disposal and they can advise and direct the marketing and promotion of your book.

There are a lot of tools out there for the DIYer though. And, at the end of the day, you, as the author, need to do your part to market your product. Whether you publish with a company or by yourself, your success is largely driven by your own effort.

I would suggest a pros and cons list to determine the best method.

What do you think about the future of book publishing?
There’s something irreplaceable about holding a physical book in your hand, but, at the same time, I have about 100 books on my phone which I have on me at all times.

I think the day of the physical book is coming to an end. With a higher production cost (than digital) and dwindling reader market, I think it’s only a matter of time.

Digital printing has opened up the market for niche genres and indie authors giving the readers more options.

We live in an exciting age!

What genres do you write:: Paranormal romance

What formats are your books in: eBook

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