Author Maggie Adams Shares Their Story

Hi! I’m Maggie Adams, although my fan club calls me Queen Minx because I do like a bit of naughtiness with my romance! I live near St. Louis, Missouri with my husband, aka, ATTRACTIVE OVER FORTY MAN. He’s also the head of my research and development (if you know what I mean *wink) I love dancing, cooking and reading and writing romance, especially erotic romance. I make sure each of my books have a little something about me in them, so keep your eyes open, I’m in there somewhere!

About the Author
Hi! I’m Maggie Adams, although my fan club calls me Queen Minx because I do like a bit of naughtiness with my romance! I live near St. Louis, Missouri with my husband, aka, ATTRACTIVE OVER FORTY MAN. He’s also the head of my research and development (if you know what I mean *wink) I love dancing, cooking and reading and writing romance, especially erotic romance. I make sure each of my books have a little something about me in them, so keep your eyes open, I’m in there somewhere!

What inspires you to write romance books?
Hope. If there is hope, then we can do extraordinary things. Romantic fiction is filled with hope, despite all the obstacles, the reader is hoping for a happily ever after. I love to write about ordinary people who are strong enough to reach for their dreams, to find that soul mate, no matter how hard the road.

Tell us about how you write:
I’m a bit of a plotter and a pantser. I have an idea in mind, usually the ending as well, and I start writing. I let the characters take me along for the ride. If I like it, if I cry, if I laugh, if I get that sexual feeling of want, then I know it’s good and I publish.
If not, I edit, rewrite and make myself crazy trying to find that “perfect” word or phrase to convey what I feel in my heart to what I put on the page.

Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Oh, absolutely!!! If they don’t come alive for me, how on earth are they going to reach the readers? I dance with them, listen to music, cook, explore sensual ideas… everything!

What advice would you give other writers?
Write with your heart, despite what may be popular or trending now. Your best writing isn’t what you put to a page because you want a paycheck – it’s what you feel and see and hear. Those voices, the characters that won’t go away. They fight to get out of your head and onto the paper. That’s your best work always!

How did you decide how to publish your books?
I got 177 rejection letters from publishers! But again, I HOPED they were wrong, so I researched how to publish it myself. I discovered how easy it was to make eBooks and paperbacks and that was the decision made for me. I haven’t regretted a minute of it!
So many publishing houses are out there now, but that road needs investigating too, so for now, I’ll publish my books and HOPE new readers find me.

What do you think about the future of book publishing?
The market is saturated with new authorsand for every new author, there seems to be a publishing/marketing site ready to help. But beware….just because it says it’s a publishing house, doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best place for an author. I Love that we now have different choices to market our books and I hope that trend continues.

What genres do you write:: contemporary romance, erotic romance, erotica, paranormal romance

What formats are your books in: Both eBook and Print

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