About the Author
Originally from NC, but moved to the wilds of Scotland in 1999 to marry my haggis hunting Scotsman.
we lived in the far north town of wick until moving to Cheshire in England in 2012.
It was here in England that i finally gave into the driving need to write.
I have always been a voracious reader and writer.
I created stories as far back as i can remember.
(most of them were made up to get out of trouble)
I’ve always believed in fairies, and yes there are ghosts and things that go bump in the night. I use to dream that my personal Arch angel was going to swoop down and take me off to a land of adventure.
I may have gave up looking out my bedroom window for wings in the night.. ” of course i have im a grown woman” 😉
but i can keep the dream alive by writing about them.
What inspires you to write romance books?
I love to read… addicted to it. a very good friend of mine and author Connie Suttle told me to get to it and start writing. she was always my inspiration to write. hehe… i have a real life hero!
Tell us about how you write:
ack… how do i explain this? It may seem silly but i dream. Sometimes i wake up from a dream that is so vivid and real that I just have to write it down. It just kind of unfolds from there. I often talk to other authors who have storyboards and plot lines and lots of very CSI like things on their walls and I am amazed. I am no where near that organised. For me its like watching a film in my head and i just write it as it happens. I mean lets face it, Im not really the one doing the stories, its the people living in my head… i only write what they are doing. It is almost like I am telling you about people that are real and living. think of converstations that you have had with friends and family… all those silly and sometimes horrible things that happen in life and you store away. Thats my guys…. they are real in a way and I try to bring that life to print.
Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
do i listen? ummm i have no choice… they demand.. in fact one of the characters in book one… was not suppose to show up to book three… yeah, he said screw that and became a lead role in book one.
I live in a world of Alpha males… who dont like to be told no. Sometimes, i think my toddler channels them or vice versa.
I have had to dump whole chapters because some one will metally flick me in the back of the head and go… “Uhhh no, thats not what happened at all. were you even paying attention when that went down?”
So yes, we talk, argue, scream, laugh and cry together. “I do most of the crying” My husband also knows my characters very well. We actually have conversations on what it going on in their lives!
What advice would you give other writers?
Never give up. Even when you are banging your head against the wall, in tears and so frustrated you want to throw your keyboard out the window. Ignore the bad reviews. Lets face it, there are some truly sad people out there that live to put others down.
Remember that being an author is not a solitary job any more. There are so many groups out there. Writing groups, author groups, Beta readers… the list is endless… you are not alone! its hard to pour out your soul and its ok to ask for help.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
Orig. i self pubbed. I had sent MS’s to every publishing house that i could find that would accept unsoliceted MS’s. I also sent them to every lit. agent i could find as well. Shot down, over and over and over.
One day, my proof reader said that she wanted to show my book to a publisher she knows, next thing i know.. im offered a contract! it was fantastic! While I liked being self publishied, there is so much more help with being with a publishing house. I have a wonderful editor and support group. My boss is the best, and as she is an author herself she understands when i go off the deep end.. hehe
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
the sky is the limit! with everything going paperless now there is really nothing to hold anyone back. I do worry about the market being flooded, and you really have to be on your toes with what is current and what is trending. However, always be carefull when writing. your name is your trademark and you want to put the best picture foward. Make sure everything is well editied take your time and get it right.
What genres do you write:: erotic romance
What formats are your books in: Both eBook and Print
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