Author Grace Lowrie Shares Their Story

I’m an avid reader, traveller, film-fan, optimist and introvert, with an unhealthy chocolate addiction. Until recently I was a garden designer but I gave it up in order to spend more time writing. I have one book – Kindred Hearts – published by the wonderful Accent Press and I am currently working on a series of three more.

About the Author
I’m an avid reader, traveller, film-fan, optimist and introvert, with an unhealthy chocolate addiction. Until recently I was a garden designer but I gave it up in order to spend more time writing. I have one book – Kindred Hearts – published by the wonderful Accent Press and I am currently working on a series of three more.

What inspires you to write romance books?
I’m a romantic at heart – a sucker for a story with a happy ending but the sexual tension and the suspenseful build up in a relationship is also a must for me.

Tell us about how you write:
I usually start with the characters – I have an idea in my head of their personalities, internal struggles and desires. From there I go on to explore the relationship between those people, sketching out a rough plot with a beginning, middle and end, to tell their story. Once I have a loose outline I flesh out the middle with as much action, drama and tension as my characters will allow and then sprinkle my plan with ideas on the imagery, themes and general atmosphere. (I often use music and image searches to inspire me at this stage, but I have to be careful not to let it consume me). Plan achieved, I try to blast my way through a first draft quickly, while my character’s voices are fresh, because I know I can always go back and improve on things later. But I am only human and often get sidetracked along the way.

Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I listen to my characters; I don’t talk back – that would be crazy right? – But they sometimes make me smile and their moods often affect mine. I constantly have to remind myself they’re not real.

What advice would you give other writers?
Always have a pen and a notebook beside the bed – some of my best ideas come to me just as I’m falling asleep and if I don’t jot them down, they are lost by morning.

How did you decide how to publish your books?
I was extremely lucky in that I was introduced to my publisher, Accent Press, by my great friend, Alice Raine. If they had not offered me a contract I would have tried the self-publishing route, in the hope of finding a publisher one day.

What do you think about the future of book publishing?
Generally I think having a publisher is important when you are first starting out as I am – Accent Press provides immense support whilst also lending their authors a certain amount of credibility. Self-publishing has its obvious benefits – not least financial rewards and greater control, but possibly proves more successful for those authors who have already achieved a fan base. I would like to think that paperback copies of the most popular books will always be in demand, despite the comparable ease of downloading e-books.

What genres do you write:: Romance, Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Erotic Romance

What formats are your books in: eBook

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