About the Author
Chris Stevenson , originally born and raised on the beaches of southern California, moved to Sylvania, Alabama in 2009 and settled in with his twin sister. His occupations have included newspaper reporter, front-line mechanic and federal police officer. He has been writing off and on for 36 years, having officially published books beginning in 1988. Today he writes science fiction, fantasy, paranormal romance, young adult, adult thrillers and horror. He has a total of 10 titles appearing on Amazon. He was a finalist in the L. Ron. Hubbard Writers of the Future contest, and just recently took the first place grand prize in a YA novel writing contest for The Girl They Sold to the Moon. He writes the popular blog, Guerrilla Warfare for Writers (special weapons and tactics), hoping to inform and educate writers all over the world about the high points and pitfalls of publishing
What inspires you to write romance books?
I love the interaction of romance between people who are striving to better themselves. I’ve always like tension, but always believe in a HEA
Tell us about how you write:
I write in the late evening or early morning. I will watch youtube videos by Anne Rice, Stephen King and Jo Rowling for pure motivation. I will sometimes listen to upbeat songs, and that helps with pace and scene beat. I write totally by the seat of my pants because my characters dictate the terms and do their own thing. I’ll take lots of notes as I go along. I’ll back up five pages each stint to help with the first draft, much like Anne Rice does.
Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I listen to my characters–they really create their own dialogue. They surprise me at times, going against my wishes and sometimes doing some naughty things. I ask them questions at times and they answer back–not always what I want to hear.
What advice would you give other writers?
Make your people three-dimensional. Include the five senses in at least every chapter somewhere. Avoid the Mary Sue type character.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I got an agent first. She decides what goes where. If she decides to sell a book after a third round, then I am allowed to submit to the smaller and independent presses.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
It’s going to be trying times. Self-publishing is taking away a great deal of market share and readership. Social media and branding will be more difficult but more important than ever. Paperback books will survive, as long as the Big 5 spend money on marketing and book shelf placement
What genres do you write:: Paranormal, SF, fantasy, YA and thriller
What formats are your books in: Both eBook and Print
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