About the Author
I am a former marketing executive and mum to a gorgeous little girl currently residing just north of London. I recently spent a year living it up on the beaches of Western Australia and my hobbies include consuming copious amounts of coffee and chocolate, building cardboard castles and creating stories in my head.
Inspired from a young age, my love for literature started with Enid Blyton and her Secret Seven. Since then a voracious appetite for books has brought my a world full of heroes, love, murder, betrayal and the odd vampire thrown in for good cause.
Having long admired those brave enough to put pen to paper, or in this modern age of computing, keyboard to screen, I have finally found the stories that I am brave enough to tell.
What inspires you to write romance books?
I have always made up stories in my head and I am a big fan of happy endings so the two just kind of fit together. I am not sure where my ideas originate most of the time, but music is often an inspiration. Sometimes a line, a verse or even a whole song will suddenly trigger a thought process.
I am a voracious reader myself and love nothing more than snuggling on the couch with a sexy read. At the end of the day, I write to make myself happy and if someone else enjoys my work I am thrilled.
Tell us about how you write:
My first series came from the rhyme ‘Thirty days have September, April, June and November.’ I wanted to create a book using a day-by-day diary-style format as this was not something I had seen before. In order to properly pace the story I used a calendar to plan what would happen on each day and then sat down to write.
Most of the time though I go through my stories in my head before I fall asleep. I practise dialogue and see where the plot takes me and then if it flows in a direction that I am not happy with I can backtrack to a point where a decision was made and then see what happens if my characters do something different. This means that by the time I actually sit down to write the broad base of the plot has already been written in my head and all I have to do is flesh it out.
I also love creating boards on Pinterest. I am a very visual person so having something solid to look at while I am writing really helps to sur my imagination on.
Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
When I am writing it feels like my characters live in my head. My husband sometimes remarks that I am not there with him, and it’s true… I am off galavanting somewhere exotic or writing a scene in my head.
What advice would you give other writers?
Write what you know… and if you don’t then do your research 😉
How did you decide how to publish your books?
My first book I wrote purely for me… to prove I actually had the discipline to sit down and write a full length novel. Once it was written I was so proud of myself. But the book is quite dark, with a dramatic twist and I wasn’t sure if I wanted a traditional publisher to mess with that so, being the control freak that I am, I decided to self-publish.
The second book in the series has also been self-published but I have a third, separate novel that I am now looking to get published by traditional means.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think, at this time, there is so much opportunity out there in terms of self-publishing that people who would have never stood the chance are now getting their voices heard and I think that is brilliant. The only downside sometimes is the lack of editing and and even basic spell checking; I am a massive supporter of self-published authors but there is nothing more off-putting than a first chapter riddled with mistakes.
What genres do you write?
Erotica, erotic romance, chick lit
What formats are your books in?
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